The Catalan Cultural Centre of Victoria is proud to host a Workshop on raising children as bilinguals: come and join us in this interactive session where key aspects of raising your children as bilinguals in the Australian context will be raised and discussed.
Give your child a head-start with a SECOND LANGUAGE
If you already have a language other than English at home but….
- You have mixed feelings about whether to speak it to your children.
- You are finding it hard for your children to respond to the language.
- You feel that you are losing the battle.
HOW TO MAINTAIN THE NON-DOMINANT LANGUAGE AT HOME: Will give you an insight into what it is to be bilingual and how bilingualism can be nourished and successful in our Australian context.
Presented by Dr. Victòria Gras. Originally from Barcelona, Spain, where she became a Doctor in Linguistics in 2006, Viqui has 20 years experience as an ESL (English as a Second Language) and LOTE (Spanish and Catalan) teacher, and has taught at Tertiary Education since 2003. In 2010, she created Bilingual Stories Australia, a language advocacy and coaching agency that provides families, professionals and the community with practical solutions to promote individual bilingualism in Australia.